
“Inspiration comes and goes, creativity is the result of practice.” ~Phil Cousineau


Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Look Back...

Happy New Year my Creative Crew! 

Wow what a year it has been! There has been much to celebrate and much heartache for my family this year. I am looking forward to the New Year in the hopes that there will be a little more celebrating and a little less heart aching.  

As I looked back at my quilt projects this year, I picked a few of my all time favorites to share with you. The first one was a pattern that I found in my APQ magazine. The pattern is called "Peaks and Valleys" by Tula Pink. I loved the jagged edges to the chevron and the quilting done on her quilt by Angela Walters is stunningly beautiful. I instantly fell in love with the pattern and aspired to do some intense quilting to finish the piece. The pattern was challenging for me, but I manage to finish the piecing. At the October Sewing Retreat my family attends, I quilted and bound it. I chose to do some orange peel in the white background and figure 8s in the greens and blues. I used a variegated thread that had some vibrant pink throughout. This was tied together with a pink and green two toned binding.

My finished "Peaks and Valleys"

Two toned "Magic" binding

The second project that I completed was a quilt for my brother and his wife. They have been married over 15 years and their original quilt her mother made them was starting to show the love. In order to keep cherishing it, they decided to retire the quilt to be admired. For Christmas this year, I made them a quilt. I chose to do a shadow box quilt by Mountain Peek Creations. It was a fast pattern to complete, but what made this quilt stand out to me was the quilting. I took it up to Jukebox Quilts in Ft. Collins, CO and rented one of their computerized longarm quilting machines. It was amazing! The staff there was so helpful, and it was such a relief to walk out of there 6 hours later with a perfectly quilted queen size quilt. All I had left to do was bind it. My brother and his wife LOVED the quilt...I do have to say that I was saddened to see it go, but I know that it will be well loved in it's new home!

Check out the video of the his quilt being quilted! I am still amazed at the engineering and programing behind this machine. ( Now if only someone could figure out how to make a bobbin never run out, they'd truly be a hero to the sewing community!)

My winning Row by Row Quilt
It seems like this was the year of the Christmas Quilt! My parents were redecorating their house. My Mom's friend Jean was a huge help and basically redecorated their entire house- top to bottom for $2,800. I wish that I had the skill, patience, and thrift to be able to completely redecorate a house in two weeks no less!

Anyway, my parents' room had changed and what better opportunity to give a gift than that. I used my winning fat quarters from the Row by Row Experience to piece yet another Tula Pink quilt called "Abacus". ( I must like her stuff!) You can download the pattern for free here. I also took this quilt and had it quilted on a longarm in Ft. Collins.

Aside from quilting, I do dabble in little projects here and there. I make little bags, baby slippers, taggies and burp clothes for infants, etc. The project that has been the most rewarding this year was my son's Halloween Costume. He was the most indecisive two year old I've every met. I kid you not, he was changing his mind every two hours. I was resigned to buying his costume this year (shudder), until he decided that he wanted to be a dinosaur monster two days before Halloween. I thought- I can do this. I already have all of the materials! It will only take me an hour or so to sew the top and it will be done. He loved it and still wears it as a sweat shirt.

There were many more projects here and there- but these were my favorite accomplishments this year! What were some of your favorite projects from 2015?

Back of "Dinosaur Monster"

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Scrappy Happy Speed Quilting

"Go Big Block 13"- Pieced using this AWESOME technique!
Hey There Fellow Quilters-

I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and are gearing up for the New Year! I hope that you've kept all of your scraps left over from the Christmas rush because I've discovered a wonderful way to bust through them. This technique isn't limited to just scraps- I've used it on various different blocks and it works like a dream.

About a year ago, I decided that my scraps were out of control and I needed to organize my studio and make my fabric more accessible. I ended up going through ALL of my fabric and cutting it down into pre-cuts.  2 1/2 in, 5 in, and 10 inch squares, Fat Quarters, and 2 1/2 inch X WOF strips. I also left yardages of over a yard untouched. That left me with TONS of little squares.

Ahh! So embarrassed to even show
this. It is so poorly pieced! But at least it
gives you an idea of how incredible this
technique is!
Now my fabric was usable and I knew what I had, but I was overwhelmed by the little squares. How on earth was I going to get through them all? I found several quilt tops that I liked a lot, but my piecing left a lot to be desired.

I also couldn't imagine how long it would take me to get a top pieced. Those two problems combined stalled out my productivity.

I found the answer to my problem here. Elizabeth Hartman walks you through a great tutorial. It is crazy how fast the piecing goes using this tutorial. The quilt pictured below took only a few days to put together and it is an oversized queen! (I didn't sew all day either! I just sewed in the evenings or when my little was napping.)

I applied Elizabeth Hartman's technique
to "Growing up Odd" by Wedding Dress Blue. 

After I completed this quilt using Hartman's technique, it got me thinking. Could I use this same technique to piece HST and maintain perfect points? I gave it a go using the Saturday Sampler pattern I had to complete for December "Go Big Block 13".  I was blown away with the results! I couldn't believe how fast the block went together and how perfectly it was pieced!

 First you need to determine the size of the block you are going to make- in my case 9"X 13 1/2". Lay out your HST in the
pattern desired.
Then iron your blocks in place. It is imperative that you PRESS your iron without moving it to set your blocks in place.

Fold your block along the longest side and sew a 1/4" seam. Press. (Hartman's tutorial instructs you to trim off the seam and press seam open. I didn't find that necessary.) Sewing the long seam first leaves you with a perfect 1/4" seam allowance between each row.
Folded along longest side
1/4" seam allowance. 

Now fold the along the short side and sew the length using a 1/4" seam . Repeat until all rows are sewn. Press open.

Ta-Da! Perfect Points !

I loved using this technique and hope you find it as useful as I did! Happy quilting!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Colorado Row By Row

Completed Row by Row quilt
Hey All-

I had the best time participating in the Row by Row Challenge. I hadn't heard about it until my local Quilt Shop, Glenwood Sewing Center, decided to participate and showed off their row at the Saturday Sampler class. It was an interesting idea, and I've been wanting to get to some of the other quilt shops in the area (and the state).

For those of you who don't know about the Row by Row challenge, it is very similar to a Shop Hop. Participating quilt/fabric shops design their own row pattern around a theme. 2015's theme was Water. From June 21-Sep 7, 2015 quilters went from shop to shop and to get a copy of the row pattern for FREE. If you wanted to you could then PURCHASE a kit that is specific to their row. The first person to turn in a completed a quilt of at least 7 rows before October 31, 2015- (pieced, quilted, bound, and labeled) at any participating shop received 25 fat quarters! (you could only win once, but there were a lot of winners) If your interested in participating this coming year, check it out here.
My Fabulous Prize!

Some of my fellow quilters and I had looked on Facebook to see what shops had designed, and kinda mapped out the shops we wanted to visit. There were so many great looking ones around Colorado that it was very difficult to decide where to go. ( My mother-in-law ended up completing two Row by Row quilts.)  

I started out not thinking that I had a remote chance at winning because we got a little bit of a late start. Some quilters had theirs completed BEFORE July. (I have a toddler...we all know how productivity declines with a rampaging two year old in your sewing studio.) Anyway- I completed my first row and became addicted!! I finished 3 more that day! I sent a photo of the completed rows to my mother-in-law. This row by row brought out a new competitive side I'd never seen in her before! She sent me a photo of her completed rows the next day.

Quilt hanging in the Window
We continued sending photos of our progress. My husband watched the little while I frantically tried to beat my MIL, but alas- no such luck. Even with my UBER helpful better half, a retired competitive MIL will win. She turned her quilt into  Harriets in Denver. I finished my quilt a few days later and turned it into the Glenwood Sewing Center. I was surprised that I was the first to finish and honored to have my quilt hang in their store window.

Elizabeth, the shop owner, was very generous and let me choose the fat quarters for my prize. She also gave me a bonus prize for completing the Glenwood Row and including it in my quilt.

I used my prize to create this Tula Pink Quilt- more on that in another post

The rows I completed were from the following shops:
Fort Collins, CO
Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Montrose, CO
Durango, CO
Littleton, CO
Delta, CO
Windsor, CO