
“Inspiration comes and goes, creativity is the result of practice.” ~Phil Cousineau


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Colorado Row By Row

Completed Row by Row quilt
Hey All-

I had the best time participating in the Row by Row Challenge. I hadn't heard about it until my local Quilt Shop, Glenwood Sewing Center, decided to participate and showed off their row at the Saturday Sampler class. It was an interesting idea, and I've been wanting to get to some of the other quilt shops in the area (and the state).

For those of you who don't know about the Row by Row challenge, it is very similar to a Shop Hop. Participating quilt/fabric shops design their own row pattern around a theme. 2015's theme was Water. From June 21-Sep 7, 2015 quilters went from shop to shop and to get a copy of the row pattern for FREE. If you wanted to you could then PURCHASE a kit that is specific to their row. The first person to turn in a completed a quilt of at least 7 rows before October 31, 2015- (pieced, quilted, bound, and labeled) at any participating shop received 25 fat quarters! (you could only win once, but there were a lot of winners) If your interested in participating this coming year, check it out here.
My Fabulous Prize!

Some of my fellow quilters and I had looked on Facebook to see what shops had designed, and kinda mapped out the shops we wanted to visit. There were so many great looking ones around Colorado that it was very difficult to decide where to go. ( My mother-in-law ended up completing two Row by Row quilts.)  

I started out not thinking that I had a remote chance at winning because we got a little bit of a late start. Some quilters had theirs completed BEFORE July. (I have a toddler...we all know how productivity declines with a rampaging two year old in your sewing studio.) Anyway- I completed my first row and became addicted!! I finished 3 more that day! I sent a photo of the completed rows to my mother-in-law. This row by row brought out a new competitive side I'd never seen in her before! She sent me a photo of her completed rows the next day.

Quilt hanging in the Window
We continued sending photos of our progress. My husband watched the little while I frantically tried to beat my MIL, but alas- no such luck. Even with my UBER helpful better half, a retired competitive MIL will win. She turned her quilt into  Harriets in Denver. I finished my quilt a few days later and turned it into the Glenwood Sewing Center. I was surprised that I was the first to finish and honored to have my quilt hang in their store window.

Elizabeth, the shop owner, was very generous and let me choose the fat quarters for my prize. She also gave me a bonus prize for completing the Glenwood Row and including it in my quilt.

I used my prize to create this Tula Pink Quilt- more on that in another post

The rows I completed were from the following shops:
Fort Collins, CO
Glenwood Springs, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Montrose, CO
Durango, CO
Littleton, CO
Delta, CO
Windsor, CO

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