
“Inspiration comes and goes, creativity is the result of practice.” ~Phil Cousineau


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Half Square Triangle Lifesaver

Okay Quilters-

The Saturday Sampler group that I attend has been doing the Go Big Blocks. Each month there are TONS of HSTs. I have been doing the semi-traditional method- yielding 2 HST for each block.

When we, my sister-in-law and I, got the pattern for this month, there were 56 HST. I know in the long run this isn't a lot, but I was tired of them and it seemed like so many. My sister-in-law was over and she was also tired of the monotonous HST method we were using. So we did some research....i.e. go to Pinterest.

We found several solutions to quickly assembling many HST here and here.  The first tutorial is for making big batches- 18 HST at once. The second is for making 8 HST at one go. After adjusting our pattern for big batches, we found that with the fabric from our kit we were limited to the 8 at one time HST method.

We decided to give it a try. It was so much faster to do 8 at once. It actually cut our time in half. I am looking forward to giving the 18 HST method a try soon!!

It is so fun to find different ways to get the same thing accomplished in sewing. I have two more Saturday Sampler meetings at Glenwood Sewing Center, so maybe I'll find another method I like better, but for now. These two are my go to HST methods!

Until next week-

Our HST triangles were going to be 4.5" blocks.

1) Cut out your 10 inch squares

2) Mark the diagonal in both directions.

3) Sew 1/4'' on both sides of the diagonal in both directions.

4) Cut the block in half horizontally and vertically. ( I was so glad that I had a spinning rotary mat for this process, because it is important to leave your square in place for both the horizontal and vertical cut.) Then cut between the sewn lines on the diagonal in both directions.
Vertical/ horizontal cuts
Diagonal cuts

4) Iron open and trim to 4.5" blocks. This is another instance were having a spinning rotary mat comes in very handy. It makes trimming blocks a breeze!

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