
“Inspiration comes and goes, creativity is the result of practice.” ~Phil Cousineau


Friday, January 29, 2016



I love winter and I love the snow and so does my Little. We are outside for a bit each day enjoying the fluffy white winter wonderland that has blanketed our little town.  The Post Independent reported that Glenwood Springs has received nearly 60 inches this winter- our average is only 37. We still have more snow coming this weekend and perhaps a few more spring snows to enjoy. 

This snowy weather brings fun adventures like- sledding, learning to run a snowblower ( I'd never used one prior to this winter's heavy snows), and romping in the snow drifts. However, I also like to be warm and cozy. I look forward to coming back indoors and getting all cozied up underneath a warm quilt and reading some books with my Little. Which brings me to the purpose of this blog post. I have completed one of my goals for the year. My Snuggly Snowman Quilt.

Back in October of 2015 at Glenwood Sewing Center, I came across some adorable soft flannel snowmen that I just couldn't live without. I promised myself that before it winter was over, I'd enjoy a snuggle or two under a cozy flannel quilt. Nancy Zieman has a great pattern that I thought would fun and bring out the best in the large print fabrics I was going to use. This is a pretty versatile and fun pattern that goes together fast and easy. There are so many different ways you can play with the blocks. I chose to do two sizes. 18" square and 9" square with the hopes of making the snowmen seem as if they were falling like snowflakes. I played with the color placements a little before I was satisfied- as is the case with most of us.

I chose to do some simple quilting on because I didn't want the quilting to detract from the soft flannel.

Don't rush the winter, for in a few short months, we'll be wishing for some reprieve from the heat!

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