
“Inspiration comes and goes, creativity is the result of practice.” ~Phil Cousineau


Sunday, February 7, 2016

QAYG 1: Trouble choosing a quilting motif? I've got a fast easy solution!

Alright Quilters-

I started working on my 36" QAYG blocks. For these blocks I am focusing on the quilting. I thought they would be perfect for working on my Free Motion Quilting proficiency. But I have found that before I could work on the proficiency side of the FMQ, I actually had to make a decision regarding the quilting itself.

I find myself experiencing a kind of paralysis when it comes to completing a project. I work frantically to complete a quilt top, but then once the top is pieced I seem to freeze. I fear ruining a beautiful quilt top. I agonize over choosing just the right quilting design for the quilt I'm already in love with. How can I best enhance the blocks and fabrics? What if I choose a design that detracts from the block or clashes with the fabric prints?? All those hours spent picking fabric, cutting, and piecing would go down the drain. This last step....becomes frustrating.

I know that I am not alone. I have heard many of the women in my quilting group say they experience this same frustration. I am happy to say that I think that I might have found a solution to our problem. At least, I have found a way to audition quilting motifs and practice on my quilts in a meaningful way that is also cost effective!

I had purchased the vinyl before Christmas for making Eye Spy bags for the littles in my family, and had a lot left over. I was racking my brain for something to do with it when it hit me. It is so simple that when I thought of it, I kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner. I could use the vinyl to audition quilting motifs.

You will need a large piece of clear vinyl, expo marker or vis-a-vis, quilt top, quilting design inspiration (I am currently reading Shape by Shape by Angela Walters) and camera.

My piece of vinyl is 36"X36". I am planning on binding it using some of my leftover binding materials to keep myself from drawing off the edge. I haven't yet, because the pieces I am working with are smaller than the vinyl, so I am not concerned about drawing off the edge. If you are working with a smaller piece of vinyl or larger quilt top, then I would bind my vinyl before I tried auditioning any quilt motifs.

Lay the quilt top down and place the vinyl overtop. Now comes the fun part. I auditioned many different quilting patterns- both overall and custom. It was amazing to me that designs that I thought I'd love, I couldn't stand. I made sure to take pictures before I erased a design, so that I could compare them to each other before I made a final decision.

Once you have made a decision of the motif you are going to be using, then sandwich your quilt and pick your thread. I love contrasting threads on my fabrics, because the quilting really stands out. I typically like to use a variegated thread because it can pick up all of the different colors in the fabrics that I use.  I do have to admit that recently I have become a fan of the blended threads used in negative space quilting.

I started quilting my design using the larger quilting foot. I call it the "Starship Enterprise". I have used this quilting foot for a bit now, and I've really liked it, but I was struggling to quilt smoothly. So I changed quilting feet to a closed free motion foot- I think that it is also called a darning foot- and my quilting became so much smoother. I think that I will continue to practice quilting with this foot for the time being and let the "Enterprise" take a much needed break =).

I am pleased with the quilting motif that I choose, and I am going to be auditioning my quilting motifs from now on. I will be confident that I am no longer going to ruin my quilt top. I am hoping that this little change will help my UFO pile decrease =)

I hope you have found this tip to be helpful. What are some other methods you have found to get past the paralysis?

Happy Quilting-

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